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My Workers’ Compensation Check Stopped – Now What?

What Should You Do When Your Check Stops?


You were hurt at work, and every two weeks you received a check. Then, all of a sudden, your workers’ compensation check stops. Now, not only are you unable to work, but you can’t pay your bills and are worried about your family. Worst of all, you don’t really know what has happened, what your rights are, and what you should do to restore your payments. The answer to all of your questions is to contact an attorney at Lowenthal & Abrams. We will work to get the money flowing back into your back account as quickly as possible.

Why Did your Workers’ Compensation Check Stop?

No doubt, you are wondering why the insurance company stopped your workers’ compensation checks. Most of the time, if you didn’t receive any warning, and the checks have just stopped, you are dealing with an error on the part of the insurance company. This kind of oversight is surprisingly common. Sometimes restoring your check is easy, sometimes it is hard.

What Should You Do?

If you already have a workers’ compensation attorney, you should pick up the phone and call him right away. Your attorney will call the adjuster and inform him that your checks have stopped and need to be restored right away. If you do not have an attorney, this would be the time to get one. You can try calling the adjuster on your own, but unfortunately, the response will not always be favorable without an attorney on your side. If the adjuster refuses to cooperate, your lawyer will file what is called a penalty petition.

What is a Penalty Petition?

In Pennsylvania, a penalty petition is a request that your lawyer files with the workers’ compensation judge to force certain actions on the part of the insurance company for your employer. If the insurance company stops your workers’ compensation checks improperly, the judge should rule in your favor. At that point, the insurance company will be required to pay you any back benefits that were improperly denied. In addition, your attorney will seek to have the employer’s insurance company pay a penalty for its failure to pay you your benefits properly.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer for Help If your Checks Stop

The best thing you can do, if your workers’ compensation checks stop, is to contact Jim Mogul. He is an expert in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law. You can reach him by using our contact form. If we are not successful in restoring your benefits, there is no fee.



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