According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, 37,00o people die in car crashes each year in the U.S. What are the most common places for car crashes? Not always busy highways like you may suspect.
A 2004 progressive insurance study showed that 52% of car accidents take place within 5 miles from home, as people are more likely to become careless and distracted when they know their surroundings. Furthermore, neighborhoods frequently consist of people traveling on foot, bicycling, or engaging in other activities that you don’t need to worry about when driving on a fast-moving highway. Also, people drive most often near their place of residence, aside from work or leisure trips, so accidents are more likely to occur where more driving takes place. Here, in Pennsylvania 1 in 154 people will be inured in a car crash every year. When you are done reading, you will know the most common places to be extra cautious when driving so that you can avoid being a statistic.
Another place where frequent crashes occur, is in parking lots. Here, there are fewer to no traffic rules and lots of pedestrians traveling on foot. Cars are constantly backing in and out of spots and pedestrians often walk in front of cars without caution.
By simply paying attention to the road, car crashes could be reduced significantly and make driving a safer experience for everyone.
Intersections can get tricky especially when the traffic indicators are stop and yield signs. Left-hand turns often cause crashes in intersections, as well. Make sure you are aware who has the right of way in these circumstances.
Like those driving close to home, those on their daily commutes are more likely to become distracted and attempt to multitask, as they are used to the same drive every day. Eating breakfast, applying makeup or talking on the phone while driving are all hazardous distractions that could cause an accident. Just because you know the streets you’re driving on, doesn’t mean you can afford to look away from the road.
Often, crashes occur when changing lanes, due to failure to check mirrors or blind-spots. Drivers should avoid driving in the blind-spots of larger vehicles, like trucks. Also you should always remember to use your blinker and change lanes carefully.
The best way to avoid being in a car accident, is to be alert on the road and follow regulations. Unfortunately, sometimes a crash is unavoidable due to the carelessness of another driver. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident that was not your fault, the help of an experienced attorney will aid you tremendously. Instead of attempting to deal with the auto insurance company on your own, contact the Pennsylvania car crash lawyers of Lowenthal & Abrams, today, for a free consultation!
Contact us for a FREE consultation. No fee unless compensated.