When you pull your vehicle into a parking lot, you may feel a general inclination to relax and drive less cautiously than you would on a highway or busy roadway. However, parking lots can be just as dangerous. Unfortunately, many people overlook the dangers of parking lots and their potential to cause a wreck and significant injury or vehicle damage to those around them. We receive calls about a surprising number of car accidents that occur in parking lots. Unfortunately, some of those accidents result in injuries and hospital bills.
Many aspects of parking lots are dangerous, but some drivers tend to not consider these dangers because the natural environment of a parking lot does not seem threatening. However, people are frequently more careless, and even aggressive when seeking a parking spot. Five of the more common types of auto accidents we see in parking lots are caused by:
In fact, these days, with people frequently using cell phones or texting, parking lots can be even more dangerous than they used to be. People think because they are traveling at a slower rate of speed, it is safe to start texting. It isn’t and unfortunately, sometimes pedestrians are injured as a result. It is important for all drivers to slow down and pay as much if not more attention in parking lots so they can make certain to avoid other drivers who aren’t driving appropriately.
You should not have to face the repercussions of a parking lot accident on your own. If another driver has caused you injury in a parking lot accident, contact the car accident attorneys in Philadelphia at Lowenthal & Abrams today.
Contact us for a FREE consultation. No fee unless compensated.