Many Americans suffer so greatly from a disability that their daily life is significantly impaired. If you are one of those people, when you’re done reading this article you will understand how to determine if you could be receiving Social Security Disability Insurance benefits according to the Social Security Administration’s “Blue Book.”
The SSA defines disability as the inability to work. Depending on the circumstances, you and some members of your family might be eligible to receive a monthly disability benefit dependent on your average lifetime workings. However, not every disability qualifies, so how can you determine if yours will?
Having a disability places you in the world’s largest minority group. Getting the benefits that you deserve can help you to live as comfortably as possible.
Since not all disabilities qualify for SSDI, according to the Social Security Administration, they created the “Blue Book.” This is the official listing of disabilities designed to help Social Security professionals. The “Blue Book,” which is continually updated online, allows the SSA to determine whether a claimant meets the designated criteria to be considered for disability benefits.
The “Blue Book” is divided into two sections of impairments, one for adults over the age of 18 and one for childhood disabilities. Each section lists multiple conditions that could potentially allow you to receive SSDI. Additionally, the “Blue Book” explains both the Social Security Disability Insurance and Social Security Income programs. It also lists the Evidentiary Requirements needed from your medical records to receive benefits and includes a video series to explain the claim process. The “Blue Book” explains that just because a condition is listed, doesn’t mean that it will qualify for Social Security Disability. The help of a qualified legal team can allow you to determine whether your symptoms are severe enough for you to receive benefits.
Applying for a Social Security Disability claim can be difficult and frustrating. If you are considering doing so, the help of an experienced and caring attorney can aid you tremendously. Contact our legal team at Lowenthal & Abrams for help receiving the benefits you may deserve.
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