Getting hurt or sick because of conditions you were exposed to at work can disrupt your short-term health and your long-term financial security. Fortunately, most workers in the state who are classified as employees have access to workers’ compensation benefits through their employer, which can help manage the unexpected expenses and losses that a work-related injury or illness may cause.
Getting the compensation you need through this system can take more work than expected, especially when you try to file your claim without guidance from a knowledgeable personal injury attorney. No matter what type of harm you have sustained or how long you expect to be out of work, the support of an Erie workers’ compensation lawyer will ensure you obtain all the benefits you are entitled to.
How Does Workers’ Compensation Work?
When it works properly, workers’ compensation benefits both workers and their employers. In exchange for paying regular premiums for workers’ compensation insurance coverage, employers enjoy immunity from civil liability for work-related accidents. This means that employees cannot file a lawsuit regarding on-the-job injuries or illnesses.
In return, those employees should receive reimbursement for all medical treatment that is reasonably necessary to help them achieve maximum medical improvement (MMI) after a work-related injury or illness. They should also receive reimbursement for a substantial portion of wages lost during recovery. Other benefits, like job retraining services and death benefits for family members, may also be available.
How To Report Benefits
To get the necessary benefits, injured or sick workers must report their condition to their employers immediately after discovering it, seek medical care from an employer-approved physician, and follow all treatment physician instructions until MMI. The employer is supposed to file a workers’ compensation claim on their employee’s behalf, but an Erie attorney can help address an employer’s failure to follow through on their responsibilities when applicable.
Common Obstacles in the Workers’ Compensation Claims Process
Legal counsel can also assist when negotiating with insurance companies for fair and full benefits. Simply, workers’ compensation insurance providers will generally take any opportunity presented to them to minimize their own financial liability at the expense of an injured or sick worker, so it is important to keep thorough records of medical bills and medical reports detailing the severity of a work-related injury.
When an insurance company disputes or denies a workers’ compensation claim, it may be necessary to file a Claim Petition within three years of the initial injury and go to court to obtain necessary benefits. This can be an immensely complicated and time-consuming process with high stakes. Representation from a workers’ compensation lawyer in Erie can be essential to getting through the process efficiently and obtaining a positive outcome.
An Erie Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help You Seek Compensation
Even when you have every right to seek workers’ compensation benefits based on the circumstances under which you were injured or ill, obtaining those benefits can be difficult. People who try to pursue workers’ compensation claims without help from a dependable legal professional can get their benefits cut early or not get any benefits.
An Erie workers’ compensation lawyer from Lowenthal & Abrams can work tirelessly and tenaciously on your behalf. Call our firm today for a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.