In Pennsylvania, the Workers’ Compensation Act provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses while on the job. However, even if you should be eligible to receive compensation through your employer’s insurance, getting the benefits you deserve can be deceivingly difficult.

If you want to maximize your claim’s value, there is no substitute for the support of an experienced personal injury attorney. From collecting relevant documentation and filing a timely claim to dealing with possible opposition from your employer, a Pittsburgh workers’ compensation lawyer is an irreplaceable ally. Call Lowenthal & Abrams, P.C. today to learn more about what we can do for you.

What Benefits Does Workers’ Comp Provide?

Any person in Pittsburgh who suffers a harmful medical condition or injury directly related to their employment is eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Limited exceptions exist for certain agricultural and railroad workers who are covered by other means.

Medical Treatment

An injured or ill worker must provide appropriate notice to their employer within 21 days of discovering the harm they sustained. If this and other criteria are met, an injured worker should be reimbursed for all reasonable medical expenses they need to reach maximum medical improvement. These expenses can include:

  • Emergency medical treatment
  • Follow-up doctor’s visits
  • Prescription medications
  • Surgeries and procedures
  • Specialized testing
  • Ongoing care like physical therapy

Rehabilitative equipment such as wheelchairs, prosthetics, canes, and braces are also covered under the Workers’ Compensation Act.

Disability and Family Benefits

Any person who can no longer work at full capacity because of a work-related medical condition may be eligible for ongoing partial disability benefits. An individual rendered completely unable to hold any employment due to their condition can potentially receive total disability or permanent injury benefits.

In addition, if an employee passes away within 300 weeks of when they initially became ill or injured at work, certain surviving family members may be eligible for death benefits. A Pittsburgh worker’s compensation attorney can further explain what benefits might be owed in a given circumstance and work tirelessly to maximize them.

Why Hiring Legal Counsel is Beneficial

Getting awarded workers’ comp benefits should be as simple as reporting a qualifying injury or illness, attending scheduled doctors’ appointments, and complying with all instructions from treating physicians. Unfortunately, it can be common for employers to fail to fulfill their end of responsibilities. Further, insurance providers are known to challenge almost every aspect of an employee’s claim so they can save themselves money.

Overcoming problems like these can be complex for anyone unfamiliar with workers’ comp litigation to manage alone. Once retained, a diligent Pittsburgh workers’ compensation attorney can begin making sure that everything is properly in place to avoid complications or delays in receiving compensation. This includes ensuring necessary medical documentation is preserved, procedural boxes are checked, and opposition from insurance companies is handled proactively.

Enlist the Services of an Pittsburgh Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Workers’ comp benefits after a work-related accident or illness are vital to protecting your and your family’s best interests. Help from capable legal representation can give you the best odds of getting what you need to recover while minimizing stress for yourself and your loved ones.

A Pittsburgh workers’ compensation lawyer can answer questions and offer preliminary legal advice during a free initial consultation. Call today to schedule yours at the office of Lowenthal & Abrams, P.C.


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