Because of how much taller they are than the average motor vehicle and how weight is distributed inside of a typical trailer, tractor-trailers are actually much more likely to tip over during skids than passenger cars. Semi-trucks that have rolled over may continue sliding for hundreds of feet afterward, collecting multiple other vehicles and creating a pileup with life-altering repercussions for everyone involved.

Rollover truck accidents in Harrisburg can serve as grounds for personal injury litigation. Lawsuits over these types of wrecks can be worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars due to the catastrophic damage they have the ability to cause. If you want to get the best possible result from a claim like this, you should seek help from a seasoned 18-wheeler crash attorney with years of experience pursuing—and winning—similar cases in the past.

How Negligence Can Lead to a Semi-Truck Flipping Over

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of reckless and careless actions a truck driver can take behind the wheel that may lead to them causing a rollover truck wreck in Harrisburg. In addition to overtly illegal acts like speeding, drunk driving, and texting behind the wheel, this kind of crash can also result from:

  • Poor road conditions
  • Taking a turn too quickly or too sharply
  • Failing to properly secure cargo before transit
  • Not adjusting driving behavior for bad weather

All these actions qualify as breaches of the duty of care truck drivers have to act lawfully and responsibly behind the wheel. Anyone who can prove that their injuries stemmed directly from a crash, which likely would not have happened without a specific negligent act by someone else, can hold that other person financially liable for all harm they suffer due to their injuries.

Who Else Could Be at Fault for a Rollover Crash?

Of course, while individual truckers are usually the person most directly to blame for Harrisburg rollover truck accidents, they are by no means the only people who could hold civil liability for such a wreck. For example, if a rollover stems partially or mainly from a truck’s brakes failing unexpectedly, liability for that wreck may lie partially or primarily with:

  • A mechanic who failed to spot and replace those faulty brakes during previous maintenance
  • The company that made and sold the brakes in the first place

Furthermore, trucking companies can often be held vicariously liable for the misconduct of one of their employees if that employee was acting in furtherance of the company’s interests at the time they acted negligently. Guidance from knowledgeable legal counsel can be vital to identifying everyone who played a role in causing a particular collision and taking proactive legal action against each of them.

Contact a Harrisburg Attorney for Help With a Rollover Truck Accident Claim

When a truck turns over on a major highway, it is unfortunately rare for the ensuing wreck to only injure the person driving that truck. More often, crashes like this cause catastrophic harm to several other people who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and who may now need substantial compensation to address the damage that the crash has caused them to experience.

Getting the financial recovery you need and deserve after a rollover truck accident in Harrisburg will be much easier with support from a compassionate truck accident lawyer. Call today for a free consultation to discuss your case with one of our qualified attorneys.


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