Harrisburg Personal Injury Lawyer

Sustaining an injury in a serious accident has the potential to change every part of your life. Not only can you suffer serious physical harm that requires extensive medical care, you may also experience disturbances to your emotional wellbeing, your ability to earn a living, and your overall quality of life.

Whenever another party is responsible for an accident that results in injuries, they are legally liable to provide compensation to cover any losses the injured party may suffer. Still, the claimant always carries the responsibility to prove that the defendant is at fault for their injuries.

Because of these complex legal technicalities, you should reach out to a Harrisburg personal injury lawyer if you or a loved one want to seek compensation from a negligent party. Our team is ready to listen to your story and take every step necessary to bring you the compensation you deserve.

Examples of Situations that May Lead to Personal Injury Claims

While everyone should take certain precautions to protect themselves, it is not their job alone to avoid causing harm. As such, depending on the exact circumstances, other parties may have a duty to take certain steps to avoid putting others in harm’s way. For instance, all drivers have a legal obligation to operate their motor vehicle in such a way that does not put others on the road in danger. When a motorist fails in this duty and causes an accident that results in injuries, that person may be held liable for any damage.

A person could pursue a personal injury claim for a variety of reasons. People who go shopping for groceries or clothing may suffer injuries from falling on another’s commercial property. Individuals cooking meals may suffer burns from a defective stove. Even those visiting doctors may endure undue harm due to a botched procedure or misdiagnosis.

A Harrisburg attorney could investigate the cause of a personal injury claim and help someone take legal action. A lawyer would review the claim to make sure  that it meets all of the requirements of the law and proves that another party caused the claimant’s injuries.

In some situations, a defendant may try to place some blame on the actions of the claimant. According to Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, Title 42 § 7102, the courts must evaluate the actions of all parties to an accident and assign blame as it sees fit. If an injured person holds more than 50 percent of the fault for the incident, a court cannot award any payments. As a result, it is just as important to be able to justify one’s own actions as it is to be able to prove that another caused the injury.

What Compensation is Appropriate After an Accident?

Personal injuries can change someone’s life in many ways. Naturally, a serious accident may result in physical injuries that require extensive medical attention. As such, most personal injury cases will demand compensation for the costs of all medical care past and future related to the accident.

Additionally, there is no doubt that most serious personal injury accidents can change a person’s life in ways that extend beyond physical losses. Many people demand compensation for their pain, emotional trauma, lost quality of life, and ability to earn a living due to their injuries. A Harrisburg lawyer could help a claimant measure the impact of their personal injuries and pursue all appropriate compensation.

Reach Out to a Harrisburg Personal Injury Attorney Today

All people who suffer injuries because of another’s failure to act appropriately deserve full payment for their losses. This may include compensation for medical costs, reductions in quality of life, and lost income. Even so, it is only possible to collect these payments if you can show that another was the main cause of your losses.

A Harrisburg personal injury lawyer can help you prove this and prepare a claim that will cover all of your losses. Whether your injury was the result of a motor vehicle collision, a defective product, or medical malpractice, an attorney is ready to fight for you. Give us a call today to learn more.